September 27, 2023
Learning Centre
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How to create an effective Jira bug report: A Comprehensive Tutorial

Arnab Chatterjee
Content Writer
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In the intricate realm of project management and issue tracking, Jira stands as a stalwart tool. Its significance lies in its ability to streamline the process of reporting and resolving bugs, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of software development endeavors.

Setting Up Projects and Creating Issues

Jira offers a seamless project setup process, providing a range of project types tailored to specific needs. This encompasses diverse domains such as software development, marketing, and customer support. Within each project, users can generate varied issue types, including bugs, tasks, and stories, allowing for precise categorization and allocation of efforts.

Brief on Different Project Types:

In Jira, you can choose from various project types, each tailored to different workflows and purposes. Here are some common project types:

1. Software Development: This project type is specifically tailored for software teams, offers an array of features that streamline the development process. Within the realm of software development, Jira offers the following key components:

  • Kanban and Scrum Boards: Jira provides both Kanban and Scrum boards, enabling teams to visualize their workflow, track progress, and manage tasks efficiently. Kanban boards are ideal for continuous flow and adaptability, while Scrum boards are well-suited for iterative development cycles.
  • Top-Level Planning: For teams juggling multiple projects, the top-level planning feature allows you to monitor work across various projects and create plans that are easily shareable with stakeholders. This premium option offers a high-level view of your organization's work landscape.
  • Bug Tracking: In the realm of software, bugs and issues are par for the course. Jira's bug tracking capabilities empower teams to capture, prioritize, and address issues effectively. This ensures that the development process remains smooth and focused on delivering high-quality software.
  • Bug Tracking: In the realm of software, bugs and issues are par for the course. Jira's bug tracking capabilities empower teams to capture, prioritize, and address issues effectively. This ensures that the development process remains smooth and focused on delivering high-quality software.

2. Service Management: Suited for IT and support teams, managing incidents, service requests, problems, and changes.

3. Business Project: General purpose, tracks non-software projects with basic customization.

4. Marketing: Supports marketing teams, handling campaigns, content, and initiatives.

5. Operations: Geared towards operations, managing tasks, incidents, and maintenance.

6. HR: Tailored for HR, overseeing onboarding, leave requests, and related processes.

7. Finance: Designed for financial teams, handling budgeting, expenses, and tasks.

Each project type comes with predefined workflows, fields, and configurations that align with its purpose. Whether your team follows an agile methodology or a more traditional approach, the Software Development project type in Jira equips you with the tools you need to manage your development lifecycle effectively. From planning and tracking to bug resolution, this project type is a comprehensive solution designed to enhance your software development endeavors.

Types of Issues:

Issues are the core units of work in Jira. Depending on your project's type and requirements, you can create different types of issues. Some common issue types include:

  • Bug: Used to report defects or issues in the software. They focus on unintended behaviors or errors.
  • Task: Represents a single unit of work that needs to be completed. It's often a small, non-development-related task.
  • Story: Commonly used in Agile methodologies, a story represents a user requirement or feature.
  • Epic: A larger work item that encompasses multiple stories or tasks. Epics help organize and manage complex features.
  • Sub-task: A smaller unit of work that is part of a larger issue (e.g., a task within a story).
  • Improvement: Used to suggest enhancements or optimizations to existing features.

When creating an issue, you'll need to provide essential information such as a summary, description, assignee, priority, and any relevant attachments.

By selecting the appropriate project type and issue types, you can streamline your team's workflow and effectively manage various tasks, whether they're related to software development, service management, or other business processes. Each issue type captures specific details that help your team prioritize, plan, and execute tasks efficiently.

If you need further assistance or details on any specific aspect, please let me know!

The Bug Reporting Workflow

Jira's intrinsic strength lies in its meticulous workflow system, especially when it comes to managing bugs:

  • Workflow Customization: Tailoring workflows to match your team's dynamics is pivotal. Jira facilitates this through customizable workflows, aligning issue resolution stages with your operational requirements.
  • Behind the Scenes: Navigating the intricacies of bug resolution requires a step-by-step guide. Learn how to create a bespoke workflow that encapsulates the bug lifecycle, ensuring a smooth transition from identification to closure.
  • Issue Management and Assignment: Effective issue management involves proper assignment. Understand how to view and allocate issues to the right team members, expediting their resolution and maintaining accountability.

Crafting a comprehensive Jira Bug Reports

Reporting bugs isn't just about identifying issues; it's about communicating them comprehensively:

Crafting a Clear Title Start with a concise and informative bug title that captures the essence of the issue. Avoid vague titles like "Website Problem" and opt for specific ones like "Calculation Error in Shopping Cart."

Providing Reproduction Steps Offer a step-by-step guide to reproduce the bug. Imagine you're creating a script for others to follow. Always test these steps yourself before submitting the bug report.


  • Go to
  • Add item X to the cart
  • Apply discount code Y
  • Proceed to checkout
  • Error message Z appears

Describing Expected vs. Actual Behavior Highlight the difference between the expected outcome and what actually happened. This helps developers understand the problem thoroughly.


  • Expected result of the calculation: 10. Actual result: 12.
  • Expected page to load: Homepage. Actual page loaded: About Us page.

Enhancing Clarity with Visuals: Include screenshots, images, or videos to provide visual evidence of the bug. Visual aids offer immediate context and help developers grasp the issue quickly.

Providing Technical Insights: If relevant, include technical data such as console and network logs. These details can significantly speed up the debugging process.

Sharing System Information: Specify your operating system, browser (with version), screen size, device type, and the approximate time you encountered the bug (including the time zone).

Including Reproducibility Context: If the bug requires specific test data or conditions, provide them. This allows developers to recreate the bug accurately.

Indicating Priority and Impact: If you have insights into the bug's impact, such as the number of affected users or revenue implications, share this information. It helps prioritize bug fixes.

By following these bug reporting guidelines, you contribute to effective communication, precise issue diagnosis, and quicker resolution. Remember, a well-documented bug report is an invaluable asset for developers, aiding them in comprehending and addressing issues promptly. To further simplify bug reporting, tools like Bird Eats Bug can automate the capture of technical data and facilitate seamless sharing of bugs within your team.

Elevating Bug Reporting with Requestly Session Replay

Imagine you're building a big puzzle called software. Sometimes, parts don't fit right, and that's when we talk about bugs. But telling someone about a bug can be like describing a picture without showing it. That's where Requestly Session Replay comes to the rescue. They get to see the puzzle piece that's causing trouble and understand it much faster.

Session Replay works by recording all the actions someone takes on a website. This includes things like messages sent between the computer and the website or server, which we call network logs, and outputs the website itself gives, which are console logs. It also notes what computer and browser are used, called platform details. All this information is organized in a timeline. Think of it as a step-by-step guide that shows exactly how someone used the website. It's like a map through a maze, but for websites.

Requestly Session in action

But there's more – you can also share or download these recorded sessions. So, if you find a bug and want to show someone, like a teammate or even customer support, you can. They get to watch the replay and see exactly what happened. It's like sharing a video of the game level where you got stuck. This helps everyone understand the problem better and work together to solve it.

Share or Download Session

Session Replays by Requestly have the potential to revolutionize the bug-reporting process within your company, leading to time-saving benefits for all. Issue reporters find it easy to send bug reports with the full context, while developers can swiftly troubleshoot and resolve issues. It's like providing a detailed roadmap that helps everyone reach the solution faster. With Session Replays, bug reporting becomes a collaborative journey that accelerates issue resolution and keeps your software development on track.


Effective bug reporting is the backbone of efficient software development and project management. A carefully constructed bug report acts as a vital link between users, testers, and developers, enabling quick understanding and resolution of issues. Mastering bug reporting empowers teams to tackle challenges with precision.

From clear reproduction steps to visual aids and system information, each element contributes to faster issue resolution. Modern tools like Bird Eats Bug simplify the process, automating data collection and sharing. A well-crafted bug report not only points out problems but also fosters innovation. By promoting clear communication, you play a crucial role in turning bugs into opportunities for improved software quality and user satisfaction.

Requestly is an Open-Source frontend development platform with essential tooling & integrations that helps frontend developers write, test & debug their code 10x faster. Using Requestly, you can create mock API endpoints, test, validate & override API responses, modify request & response headers, setup redirects (Map local, Map remote) and use Requestly sessions for faster debugging.


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