June 30, 2023
min read

Requestly Jan'23 Product Updates

Sachin Jain
Founder & CEO
On this page

Hey Requestlians 👋🏼

This is Sachin, Founder & CEO of Requestly. January has been a productive month for us, and I'm excited to share some of the interesting updates and app improvements we made last month, with you.

In-app shortcuts and Improved UI 🚀

We planned to bring in keyboard shortcuts to ease your in-app navigation. You can now access the command palette using the cmd+k in Mac and ctrl+k in Windows shortcut. 

With this shortcut, you can create and edit a rule, open the templates, share your feedback as a Chrome store review, and can also download our desktop apps. 

Do check this out and let us know your views.

Apart from the shortcuts, we made many enhancements to our UI last month to improve the user experience. The browser extension has been revamped to help you access your pinned and recent rules quickly. We have also provided an option to Start/Stop the Session Recording in the pop-up itself.

Map local files in Redirect Rule ⭐

Now turn your machine into a local server to host your files and test them out. Using Map local feature, you will now be able to redirect HTTP requests to load the locally available files in your computer. Check out a quick demo on how you can do this.


This option is only available on desktop apps.

Team Workspace is open to everyone! 🙌

We launched our Team workspace beta last month and got immense responses from the community. Now that our beta is over, we have opened the feature for all Requestly users. 

With the shared workspace, you can invite and collaborate with your team members easily. Create and edit your rules without worrying about sharing the revised version with your team members.

We are going Open-Source! 🎉

A few days back, we announced on LinkedIn & Twitter that Requestly is going completely open-source. We will be announcing the date soon in our upcoming posts. 

What’s going to change?

Requestly is now going to be free, and you can access our entire source code from GitHub. Going open-source means, we can now actively collaborate with our users more and lets you build a better solution on top of us. We look forward to your love and support in the form of bug fixes, feature requests, and pull requests.

Customer of the month 🤝

Rownd offers an adaptive authentication solution for web and mobile applications. Its SDKs and snippets can be integrated across a company's apps and websites, creating a smooth user experience across all platforms.

  • The Rownd team uses Replace Rule to switch API endpoints from one env to another. They also use Requestly’s Modify API Response feature to debug issues related to API responses directly on staging & production environments. This helps them avoid setting everything locally and reproducing the issues.
  • They use the Requestly SharedList feature to collaborate and share Requestly configurations in the team. It is helpful to onboard new employees with Requestly, as the rules are already pre-configured.

Review of the month ❣️

Since its inception, Requestly has been showered with a lot of love from our users, which led to us where we are today. I’m sharing one such review we got from our user, Максим Дьяченко last month, who shared his thoughts on using Requestly:

That’s it, folks! I’m wrapping up this month’s newsletter, and the next month we will talk more about our open-source journey. Stay tuned for the next update.

Until then, happy debugging!

Requestly is an Open-Source frontend development platform with essential tooling & integrations that helps frontend developers write, test & debug their code 10x faster. Using Requestly, you can create mock API endpoints, test, validate & override API responses, modify request & response headers, setup redirects (Map local, Map remote) and use Requestly sessions for faster debugging.


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