June 30, 2023
Use Cases
min read

How to block web domains using Requestly

Shrey Gupta
On this page

Very often we open a particular article on a particular domain but due to the hundreds of embedded widgets that page actually makes a lot of requests to various domains making everything slow.

If you have the Requestly extension installed, you can manage this easily with the easy interface to make a rule like this:

That’s it! That is all it takes to block various domains in Requestly.

Install the extension now from the Chrome Web Store!

Requestly is an Open-Source frontend development platform with essential tooling & integrations that helps frontend developers write, test & debug their code 10x faster. Using Requestly, you can create mock API endpoints, test, validate & override API responses, modify request & response headers, setup redirects (Map local, Map remote) and use Requestly sessions for faster debugging.


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